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We are grateful that you chose to visit our page! The Lou Frey Institute at the University of Central Florida houses the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship and is a leading provider of civic education instructional and professional development resources in Florida.

Our work promotes the development of enlightened, responsible, and actively engaged citizens through civic education programs that encourage thoughtful debate and discussion about current policy issues; through experiential learning programs that encourage the development of civic and political skills; by working to help strengthen the civic education capacity of Florida’s K-12 education system; and through research, policy analysis, and advocacy.

Congressman Lou Frey: A Legacy

Founded by Congressman Lou Frey, the institute is located at the University of Central Florida’s Research Park as part of the College of Sciences’ School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs.

We encourage you to learn more about Lou Frey, Jr., as there is so much more to him than what we have posted here. You can also visit his dedicated page on C-Span, where a number of videos illustrate his knowledge of our political system, Congress, and his wonderful character and sense of humor. And check out this interview the Congressman did with a young student about civic education and public service. A really powerful short piece that says so much about his work and leadership.

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